

  1. N-epitomizer: A Semantic Offloading Framework leveraging Essential Information for Timely Neural Network Inferences,

    Wooseing Nam, Sungyong Lee, Jinsung Lee, Huijeong Choi, Sangtae Ha, and Kyunghan Lee
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Jan. 2025.

  2. NeuroBalancer: Balancing System Frequencies with Punctual Laziness for Timely and Energy-efficient DNN Inferences,

    Kyungmin Bin, Seyeon Kim, Sangtae Ha, Song Chong, and Kyunghan Lee
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Jan. 2025.


  1. Dejavu: Reinforcement Learning-based Cloud Scheduling with Demonstration and Competition,

    Seonwoo Kim, Yoonsung Nam, Minwoo Park, Hee Won Lee, Seyeon Kim, and Sangtae Ha
    IEEE MASS 2024 (30 out of 109 = 27.5% acceptance rate).

  2. Dynamical electrospacetime model as a tool for spectrum management,

    Prasanth Prahladan, Dirk Grunwald, and Sangtae Ha
    TPRC 2024.

  3. Online Path Description Learning based on IMU Signals from IoT Devices

    Weipeng Zhuo, Shiju Li, Tianlang He, Mengyun Liu, S.-H. Gary Chan, Sangtae Ha, and Chul-Ho Lee
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2024.

  4. LLMem: Estimating GPU Memory Usage for Fine-Tuning Pre-Trained LLMs

    Taeho Kim, Yanming Wang, Vatshank Chaturvedi, Lokesh Gupta, Seyeon Kim, Yongin Kwon, and Sangtae Ha
    The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2024) (791 out of 5651 = 14.0% acceptance rate, Long talk (top 2.27% of submissions)).

  5. Repurposing Cellular Reference Signals: Accurate RSRP Measurements with Mobile Phones

    Max Hollingsworth, Yaguang Zhang, Todd Schumann, Chris Anderson, Michael Cotton, Seyeon Kim, Sangtae Ha, and Dirk Grunwald
    Workshop on Signal Reuse for Spectrum Efficiency (SRSE), IEEE DySPAN 2024.

  6. ExStream: A Delay-minimized Streaming System with Explicit Frame Queueing Delay Measurement

    Shinik Park, Sanghyun Han, Jongyun Lee, Junseon Kim, Sangtae Ha, and Kyunghan Lee
    IEEE INFOCOM 2024 (256 out of 1307 = 19.6% acceptance rate).


  1. A Comprehensive Study on the Efficacy of a Wearable Sleep Aid Device Featuring Closed-loop Real-time Acoustic Stimulation

    Anh Nguyen, Galen Pogoncheff, Ban Xuan Dong, Nam Bui, Hoang Truong, Nhat Pham, Linh Nguyen, Hoang Nguyen-Huu, Khue Bui-Diem, Quan Vu-Tran-Thien, Sy Duong-Guy, Sangtae Ha, and Tam Vu
    Sci Rep 13, 17515 (2023).

  2. ASPEN: Breaking Operator Barriers for Efficient Parallelization of Deep Neural Networks

    Jongseok Park, Kyungmin Bin, Gibum Park, Sangtae Ha and Kyunghan Lee
    NeurIPS 2023 (26.1% acceptance rate).

  3. RFC 9438: CUBIC for Fast and Long-Distance Networks

    Lisong Xu, Sangtae Ha, Injong Rhee, Vidhi Goel, and Lars Eggert
    RFC Editor, USA.

  4. Modeling of AoI Minimization for (m,k)-firm Streams in 5G Networks

    Beom-Su Kim, Byung Hyun Lim, BeomKyu Suh, Ki-Il Kim, and Sangtae Ha,
    MASCOTS 2023 (30% acceptance rate).

  5. ENTRO: Tackling the Encoding and Networking Trade-off in Offloaded Video Analytics

    Seyeon Kim, Kyungmin Bin, Donggyu Yang, Sangtae Ha, Song Chong, and Kyunghan Lee,
    ACM Multimedia 2023 (902 out of 3072 = 29.3% acceptance rate).

  6. N-epitomizer: Enabling Semantic Offloading for Neural Network Inferences

    Sungyong Lee, Wooseung Nam, Jinsung Lee, Sangtae Ha, and Kyunghan Lee,
    IEEE MASS 2023.

  7. Converge: QoE-driven Multipath Video Conferencing over WebRTC

    Sandesh Dhawaskar Sathyanarayana, Kyunghan Lee, Dirk Grunwald, and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM SIGCOMM 2023 (71 out of 323 = 21.98% acceptance rate).

  8. MRTOM: Mostly Reliable Totally Ordered Multicast, a Network Primitive to Offload Distributed Systems

    Zhang Liu, Dirk Grunwald, Joseph Izraelevitz, Gaukas Wang and Sangtae Ha,
    IEEE ICDCS 2023 (83 out of 439 = 18.9% acceptance rate).

  9. FIS-ONE: Floor Identification System with One Label for Crowdsourced RF Signals

    Weipeng Zhuo, Ka Ho Chiu, Jierun Chen, Ziqi Zhao, S.-H. Gary Chan, Sangtae Ha and Chul-Ho Lee,
    IEEE ICDCS 2023 (83 out of 439 = 18.9% acceptance rate).

  10. Enabling Grant-Free URLLC for AoI Minimization in RAN-Coordinated 5G Health Monitoring System

    Beom-Su Kim and Byung Hyun Lim, Beomkyu Suh, Sangtae Ha, Ting He, Babar Shah and Ki-Il Kim,
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023

  11. An Empirical Study of 5G: Effect of Edge on Transport Protocol and Application Performance

    Hyoyoung Lim, Jinsung Lee, Jongyun Lee, Sandesh Dhawaskar Sathyanarayana, Junseon Kim, Anh Nguyen, Kwang Taik Kim, Youngbin Im, Mung Chiang, Dirk Grunwald, Kyunghan Lee, Sangtae Ha,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2023

  12. Semi-supervised Learning with Network Embedding on Ambient RF Signals for Geofencing Services

    Weipeng Zhuo, Ka Ho Chiu, Jierun Chen, Jiajie Tan, Edmund Sumpena, S.-H. Gary Chan, Sangtae Ha, and Chul-Ho Lee,
    IEEE ICDE 2023

  13. Muno: Improve Video Conferencing Quality with Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Tu Van Nguyen, Kyungchan Ko, Sangwoo Ryu, Sangtae Ha, and James W. Hong,
    NOMS 2023 (short paper)

  14. MoDEMS: Optimizing Edge Computing Migrations For User Mobility

    Taejin Kim, Sandesh Dhawaskar Sathyanarayana, Siqi Chen, Youngbin Im, Xiaoxi Zhang, Sangtae Ha, and Carlee Joe-Wong,
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 2023


  1. CPrune: Compiler-Informed Model Pruning for Efficient Target-Aware DNN Execution

    Taeho Kim, Yongin Kwon, Jemin Lee, Taeho Kim and Sangtae Ha
    ECCV 2022 (1650 out of 5803 = 28% acceptance rate)

  2. zTT: Learning-based DVFS with Zero Thermal Throttling for Mobile Devices

    Seyeon Kim, Kyungmin Bin, Sangtae Ha, Kyunghan Lee, and Song Chong
    ACM GetMobile, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 30-34, Mar. 2022

  3. R-FEC: RL-based FEC Adjustment for better QoE in WebRTC

    Insoo Lee, Seyeon Kim, Sandesh Sathyanarayana, Kyungmin Bin, Song Chong, Kyunghan Lee, Dirk Grunwald, and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM Multimedia (MM) 2022 (691 out of 2,472 = 27.9% acceptance rate, Oral presentation (top 6% of submissions))

  4. TVConv: Efficient Translation Variant Convolution

    Jierun Chen, Tianlang He, Weipeng Zhuo, Li Ma, Sangtae Ha, and S.-H. Gary Chan,
    CVPR 2022 (2067 out of 8161 = 25.33% acceptance rate)

  5. GRAFICS: Graph Embedding-based Floor Identification Using Crowdsourced RF Signals

    Weipeng Zhuo, Ziqi Zhao, Ka Ho Chiu, Shiju Li, Sangtae Ha, Chul-Ho Lee, and S.-H. Gary Chan,
    IEEE ICDCS 2022 (114 out of 573 = 19.9% acceptance rate)

  6. MoDEMS: Optimizing Edge Computing Migrations For User Mobility

    Taejin Kim, Sandesh Dhawaskar Sathyanarayana, Siqi Chen, Youngbin Im, Xiaoxi Zhang, Sangtae Ha, and Carlee Joe-Wong,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2022 (255 out of 1129 = 22.6% acceptance rate)

  7. Optimal Network Protocol Selection for Competing Flows via Online Learning

    Xiaoxi Zhang, Siqi Chen, Yunfan Zhang, Youngbin Im, Maria Gorlatova, Sangtae Ha, and Carlee Joe-Wong,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2022


  1. Scalable and Modular Wireless-network Infrastructure for Large-scale Behavioral Neuroscience

    R. Qazi, K. E. Parker, C. Y. Kim, R. Rill, M. R. Norris, J. Chung, J. Bibily, J. R. Kim, M. C. Wailcki, G. B. Gereau, H. Lim, Y. Xiong, J. R. Lee, M. A. Tapia, A. V. Kravitz, M. J. Will, S. Ha, J. G. McCall, and J.-W. Jeong,
    Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2021 (S. Ha, J. G. McCall, and J.-W. Jeong are the Corresponding Authors)

  2. Demystifying Commercial Video Conferencing Applications

    Insoo Lee, Jinsung Lee, Kyunghan Lee, Dirk Grunwald, and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM Multimedia, 2021 (542 out of 1942 = 27.9% acceptance rate)

  3. zTT: Learning-based DVFS with Zero Thermal Throttling for Mobile Devices

    Seyeon Kim, Kyungmin Bin, Sangtae Ha, Kyunghan Lee, and Song Chong
    ACM MobiSys 2021 (36 out of 166 = 21.7% acceptance rate, Best Paper Award)

  4. Securing the Wireless Emergency Alerts System

    Jihoon Lee, Gyuhong Lee, Jinsung Lee, Youngbin Im, Max Hollingsworth, Eric Wustrow, Dirk Grunwald, and Sangtae Ha,
    Communications of the ACM, Oct. 2021, Vol. 64 No. 10, Pages 85-93

  5. Exploiting Client Inference in Multipath TCP over Multiple Cellular Networks

    Sandesh Dhawaskar Sathynarayana, Jinsung Lee, Jihoon Lee, Dirk Grunwald, and Sangtae Ha,
    IEEE Communications Magazine 2021

  6. eMRC: Efficient Miss Rate Approximation for Multi-Tier Caching

    Zhang Liu, Hee Won Lee, Yu Xlang, Dirk Grunwald, and Sangtae Ha,
    USENIX FAST’21 (28 out of 130 = 21.5% acceptance rate)


  1. Towards Programmable DOCSIS 4.0 Networks: Adaptive Modulation in OFDM Channels

    Jason Schnitzer, Prasanth Prahladan, Parisa Rahimzadeh, Chad Humble, Jinsung Lee, Jihoon Lee, Kyunghan Lee, and Sangtae Ha,
    IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) 2020

  2. Epileptic Seizure Detection and Experimental Treatment: A Review

    Taeho Kim, Phuc Nguyen, Nhat Pham, Nam Bui, Hoang Truong, Sangtae Ha, and Tam Vu,
    Frontiers in Neurology, section Epilepsy 2020

  3. P4EC: Enabling Terabit Edge Computing in Enterprise 4G LTE

    Max Hollingsworth, Jinsung Lee, Zhang Liu, Jihoon Lee, Sangtae Ha, and Dirk Grunwald,
    USENIX HotEdge 2020

  4. SPARCLE: Streaming Processing Applications over Dispersed Computing Networks

    Parisa Rahimzadeh, Jinsung Lee, Youngbin Im, Siun-Chuon Mau, Eric C. Lee, Bradford O. Smith, Fatemah Al-Duoli, Carlee Joe-Wong, and Sangtae Ha,
    IEEE ICDCS 2020 (18% acceptance rate)

  5. FluidMem: Full Flexible and Fast Memory Disaggregation for the Cloud

    Blake Caldwell, Youngbin Im, Sepideh Goodarzy, Sangtae Ha, Richard Han, Eric Keller, and Eric Rozner,
    IEEE ICDCS 2020 (18% acceptance rate)

  6. PERCEIVE: Deep Learning-based Cellular Uplink Prediction Using Real-time Scheduling Patterns

    Jinsung Lee, Sungyong Lee, Jongyou Lee, Sandesh Dhawaskar Sathyanarayana, Hyoyoung Lim, Jihoon Lee, Xiaoqing Zhu, Sangeeta Ramakrishnan, Dirk Grunwald, Kyunghan Lee and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM MobiSys 2020 (34 out of 175 = 19.4% acceptance rate)

  7. A Highly Available Storage System for Elastic Fog

    Jaeyoon Chung, Carlee Joe-Wong and Sangtae Ha,
    to appear in Fog and Fogonomics: Challenges and Practices of Fog Computing, Networking, Strategy and Economics, Wiley, 2020.


  1. Towards Automated Network Management: Learning the Optimal Protocol Selction

    Xiaoxi Zhang, Siqi Chen, Youngbin Im, Maria Gorlatova, Sangtae Ha, and Carlee Joe-Wong,
    IEEE ICNP 2019 (short paper – 19.3% acceptance rate).

  2. Optimal Learning-Based Network Protocol Selection

    Xiaoxi Zhang, Siqi Chen, Youngbin Im, Maria Gorlatova, Sangtae Ha, and Carlee Joe-Wong,
    IEEE/ACM ISCA Workshop on Machine Learning for Systems 2019.

  3. ECHO: Efficiently Overbooking Applications to Create a Highly Available Cloud

    Parisa Rahimzadeh, Youngbin Im, Gueyoung Jung, Carlee Joe-Wong and Sangtae Ha,
    IEEE ICDCS 2019 (19.6% acceptance rate).

  4. This is Your President Speaking: Spoofing Alerts in 4G LTE Networks

    Gyuhong Lee, Jihoon Lee, Jinsung Lee, Youngbin Im, Max Hollingsworth, Eric Wustrow, Dirk Grunwald and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM MobiSys 2019 (40 out of 172 = 23.2% acceptance rate, Best Paper Award).

  5. CASTLE over the Air: Distributed Scheduling for Cellular Data Transmissions

    Jihoon Lee, Jinsung Lee, Youngbin Im, Sandesh Sathyanarayana, Parisa Rahimzadeh, Xiaoxi Zhang, Max Hollingworth, Carlee Joe-Wong, Dirk Grunwald and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM MobiSys 2019 (40 out of 172 = 23.2% acceptance rate).

  6. This is Your President Speaking: Spoofing Alerts in 4G LTE Networks (Demo)

    Max Hollingsworth, Gyuhong Lee, Jihoon Lee, Jinsung Lee, Youngbin Im, Eric Wustrow, Dirk Grunwald and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM MobiSys 2019. [Video]

  7. CASTLE over the Air: Distributed Scheduling for Cellular Data Transmissions (Demo)

    Sandesh Sathyanarayana, Jihoon Lee, Jinsung Lee, Youngbin Im, Parisa Rahimzadeh, Xiaoxi Zhang, Max Hollingworth, Carlee Joe-Wong, Dirk Grunwald and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM MobiSys 2019. [Video]

  8. I Sent It: Where Does Slow Data Go to Wait?

    Youngbin Im, Parisa Rahimzadeh, Brett Shouse, Shinik Park, Carlee Joe-Wong, Kyunghan Lee and Sangtae Ha,
    EuroSys 2019 (45 out of 207 = 21.7% acceptance rate).

  9. Time-Dependent Pricing for Multimedia Data Traffic: Analysis, Systems, and Trials

    Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha and Mung Chiang,
    IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Multimedia Economics for Future Networks: Theory, Methods and Applications (JSAC’19).

  10. Development of an EPIC Parallel Computing Framework to Facilitate Regional/Global Gridded Crop Modeling with Multiple Scenarios: A Case Study of the United States

    Won Seok Jang, Yonggwan Lee, Jason Neff, Youngbin Im, Sangtae Ha and Luca Doro,
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 158, pp. 189-200, March 2019.


  1. ExLL: An Extremely Low-Latency Congestion Control for Mobile Cellular Networks

    Shinik Park, Jinsung Lee, Junseon Kim, Jihoon Lee, Sangtae Ha and Kyunghan Lee,
    ACM CoNEXT 2018, Heraklion/Crete, Greece, 2018 (32 out of 185 = 17.3% acceptance rate).

  2. On the Efficiency of Online Social Learning Networks

    Christopher Brinton, Swapna Buccapatnam, Liang Zheng, Da Cao, Andrew Lan, Felix Wong, Sangtae Ha, Mung Chiang, and Vince Poor,
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON’18), vol. 25, issue 5, pp. 2076-2089, Oct. 2018.

  3. Sponsoring Mobile Data: Analyzing the Impact on Internet Stakeholders

    Carlee Joe-Wong, Soumya Sen, and Sangtae Ha,
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON’18), vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1179-1192, June 2018.

  4. Making Serverless Computing More Serverless

    Zaid Al-Ali, Sepideh Goodarzy, Ethan Hunter, Sangtae Ha, Richard Han, Eric Keller and Eric Rozner,
    International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC’18), San Francisco, CA, 2018 (20% acceptance rate).

  5. Elasticizing Linux via Joint Disaggregation of Memory and Computation

    Ehab Ababneh, Zaid Al-Ali, Sangtae Ha, Richard Han and Eric Keller,
    arXiv 1806.00885, June 2018.

  6. [RFC8312] “CUBIC for Fast Long-Distance Networks”

    Injong Rhee, Lisong Xu, Sangtae Ha, Alexander Zimmermann, Lars Eggert, and Richard Scheffenegger,
    DOI: 10.17487/RFC8312, February 2018.

  7. A Practical Evaluation of Rate Adaptation Algorithms in HTTP-based Adaptive Streaming

    Ibrahim Ayad, Youngbin Im, Eric Keller, and Sangtae Ha,
    Elsevier Computer Networks 2018 (ComNet’18).

  8. SNN-Cache: A Practical Machine Learning-based Caching System Utilizing the Inter-relationships of Requests

    Youngbin Im, Prasanth Prahladan, Tae Hwan Kim, Yong Geun Hong, and Sangtae Ha,
    CISS 2018.

  9. Virtual Redundancy for Active-Standby Cloud Applications

    Gueyoung Jung, Parisa Rahimzadeh, Zhang Liu, Sangtae Ha, Kaustubh Joshi, and Matti Hiltunen,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2018 (309 out of 1606 = 19.2% acceptance rate).


  1. Towards a distributed computing model for fog,

    T. Jeong, J. Chung, J. Hong and S. Ha,
    Fog World Congress (FWC’17), Santa Clara, CA, Oct 30-Nov 1, 2017.

  2. Calibrating Time-variant, Device-specific Phase Noise for COTS WiFi Devices,

    Jincao Zhu, Youngbin Im, Shivakant Mishra, and Sangtae Ha,
    ACM Sensys 2017 (17.4% acceptance rate).

  3. FLARE: Coordinated Rate Adaptation for HTTP Adaptive Streaming in Cellular Networks,

    Y. Im, J. Lee, J. Han, Y. Kwon, C. Joe-Wong, T. Kwon and S. Ha,
    IEEE ICDCS 2017 (90 out of 531 = 16.94% acceptance rate).

  4. Fog Computing and Networking: Part 2 [Guest editorial]

    M. Chiang, S. Ha, C. I, F. Risso and T. Zhang,
    IEEE Communications Magazine, August, 2017.

  5. SVC-TChain: Incentivizing Good Behavior in Layered P2P Video Streaming,

    P. Rahimzadeh, C. Joe-Wong, K. Shin, Y. Im, J. Lee and S. Ha,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2017 (292 out of 1395 = 20.93% acceptance rate).

  6. T-Chain: General Incentive Scheme for Cooperative Computing,

    K. Shin, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, Y. Yi, I. Rhee and D. Reeves,
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON’17), vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2122-2137, August, 2017.

  7. FluidMem: Memory as a Service for the Datacenter,

    Blake Caldwell, Youngbin Im, Sangtae Ha, Richard Han, and Eric Keller,
    Tech Report, arXiv:1707.07780 [cs.OS]. July 2017.

  8. Fog Computing and Networking: Part 1 [Guest editorial],

    M. Chiang, S. Ha, C. I, F. Risso and T. Zhang,
    IEEE Communications Magazine, April, 2017.

  9. Clarifying Fog Computing and Networking: 10 Questions and Answers,

    M. Chiang, S. Ha, C. I, F. Risso and T. Zhang,
    IEEE Communications Magazine, April, 2017.

  10. Customized Data Plans for Mobile Users: Feasibility and Benefits of Data Trading,

    L. Zhang, C. Joe-Wong, C. Tan, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Human-In-The-Loop Mobile Networks (JSAC’17), vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 949-963, April, 2017.

  11. Smart Data Pricing in 5G Systems,

    C. Joe-Wong, L. Zhang, S. Ha, S. Sen, C. Tan and M. Chiang,
    Key Technologies for 5G Wireless Systems, Cambridge University Press, pp. 478-500, April, 2017.

  12. Mind Your Own Bandwidth,

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, Z. Liu, F. Wong and M. Chiang,
    Fog for 5G and IoT, Wiley & Sons, pp. 24-51, April, 2017.


  1. Optimal Sleeping: models and experiments for energy-delay tradeoff

    I. Kamitsos, S. Ha, L. Andrew, J. Bawa, D. Butnariu, H. Kim and M. Chiang,
    International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics (IJSS’16), June 2016.

  2. AMUSE: Empowering Users for Cost-Aware Offloading with Throughput-Delay Tradeoffs

    Y. Im, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, S. Sen, T. Kwon and M. Chiang,
    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC’16), May 2016.

  3. Performance Analysis of Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Computing

    C. Joe-Wong, Y. Im, K. Shin, and S. Ha,
    IEEE ICDCS 2016 (68 out of 386 = 17.6% acceptance rate).

  4. Viability of Virtual Cloud Providers

    L. Zheng, C. Joe-Wong, C. Brinton, C. Tan, S. Ha, and M. Chiang,
    ACM SIGMETRICS’16, June 2016 (28 out 208 = 13.46% acceptance rate).

  5. Innovation in Network Pricing

    M. Andrews, M. Chiang, S. Ha, J. Huang and S. Sen,
    IEEE Networks, 30 (2), March, 2016.

  6. Time-Dependent Pricing in Mobile Data Plans: Results from a Field Deployment in Alaska

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS’16), 2016.

  7. Mitigating Network Resource Abuses and DDoS attacks with Client Puzzle based Software-Defined Networks

    Z. Liu, E. Keller, and S. Ha,
    USENIX Network Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Poster Session, Santa Clara, CA, March 2016.


  1. Smart Data Pricing

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    Communications of the ACM (CACM’15), vol 58, issue 12, Dec 2015.

  2. Energy Efficient DSL Broadband Access via Stable Sleep Mode Optimization

    I. Kamitsos, P. Tsiaflakis, S. Ha and M. Chiang ,
    IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM’15), vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 5116-5127, Dec. 2015.

  3. A Management Architecture for Client-Defined Cloud Storage Services

    J. Chung, S. Ha and J. Hong,
    International Journal of Network Management (IJNM’15), vol 25, issue 6, pp. 435-453, 2015.

  4. Inter-Datacenter Job Routing and Scheduling with Variable Costs and Deadlines

    C. Joe-Wong, I. Kamitsos and S. Ha,
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (TSG’15), vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 2669-2680, Nov. 2015.

  5. Offering Supplementary Network Technologies: Adoption Behavior and Offloading Benefits

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Sen and S. Ha,
    IEEE Transactions on Networking (TON’15), vol. 23, no. 2, April 2015.

  6. The Cloud Needs a Reputation System

    M. Kablan, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, H. Jamjoom and E. Keller,
    arXiv 1509.09057, Sept. 2015.

  7. Do Mobile Data Plans Affect Usage? Results from a Pricing Trial with ISP Customers

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Sen and S. Ha,
    Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM’15), 2015 (27% acceptance rate).

  8. Improving User QoE for Residential Broadband: Adaptive Traffic Management at the Network Edge

    F. Wong, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, Z. Liu and M. Chiang,
    IEEE/ACM IWQoS (IWQOS’15), 2015 (20 out of 89 = 22.5% acceptance rate).

  9. T-Chain: General Incentive Scheme for Cooperative Computing

    K. Shin, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, Y. Yi, I. Rhee and D. Reeves,
    IEEE ICDCS 2015 (70 out of 543 = 12.89% acceptance rate).

  10. Secondary Markets for Mobile Data: Feasibility and Benefits of Traded Data Plans

    L. Zheng, C. Joe-Wong, C. W. Tan, S. Ha, and M. Chiang,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2015 (316 out of 1640 = 19% acceptance rate).

  11. CYRUS: Towards Client-Defined Cloud Storage

    J. Chung, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, J. Hong and M. Chiang,
    EuroSys 2015 (32 out of 150 = 21.33% acceptance rate).

  12. Sponsoring Mobile Data: An Economic Analysis of the Impact on Users and Content Providers

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, and M. Chiang,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2015 (316 out of 1640 = 19% acceptance rate).

  13. Automatically Freezing Live Video for Annotation during Remote Collaboration

    S. Kim, G. Lee, S. Ha, N. Sakata and M. Billinghurst,
    Work In Progress, ACM CHI, 2015 (CHI’15).


  1. Individualization for Education at Scale: MIIC Design and Preliminary Evaluation

    C. Brinton, R. Rill, S. Ha, M. Chiang, R. Smith and W. Ju,
    IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT’14),Nov. 2014

  2. Smart Data Pricing

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang, (eds.)
    Wiley and Sons, Sept. 2014

  3. Chapter 6: Human Factors in Smart Data Pricing

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang, (eds.)
    Wiley and Sons, Sept. 2014


  1. Scalable Multi-Class Traffic Management in Data Center Backbone Networks

    A. Ghosh, S. Ha, E. Crabbe and J. Rexford,
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC’13), 2013

  2. Smart Data Pricing (SDP): Economic Solutions to Network Congestion

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    SIGCOMM eBook on Recent Advances in Networking, Volume I, 2013.

  3. A Survey of Broadband Data Pricing: Past Proposals, Current Plans, and Future Trends

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    ACM Computing Surveys 2013 (CSUR’13)

  4. When the Pricing is Right: Enabling Time-Dependent Pricing for Broadband Networks

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, J. Bawa and M. Chiang,
    ACM SIGCHI 2013 (CHI’13)

  5. Offering Supplementary Wireless Technologies: Adoption Behavior and Offloading Benefits

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Sen and S. Ha,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy

  6. AMUSE: Empowering Users for Cost-Aware Offloading with Throughput-Delay Tradeoffs

    Y. Im, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, S. Sen, T. Kwon and M. Chiang,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2013 (mini-conference), Turin, Italy

  7. Smart Data Pricing: Lessons from Trial Planning

    M. Sheng, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha, F. Wong and S. Sen,
    IEEE INFOCOM Workshop 2013 – Smart Data Pricing (in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2013), Turin, Italy.


  1. The Economics of Shared Data Plans

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong and S. Ha,
    Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS’12) 2012.

  2. Incentivizing Time-Shifting of Data: A Survey of Time-Dependent Pricing for Internet Access,

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    IEEE Communications Magazine, 2012.

  3. TUBE: Time-Dependent Pricing for Mobile Data

    S. Ha, S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, Y. Im and M. Chiang,
    ACM SIGCOMM, Helsinki,2012 (SIGCOMM’12).

  4. Energy Efficient DSL via Heterogeneous Sleeping States: Optimization Structures and Operational Guidelines

    I. Kamitsos, P. Tsiaflakis, K. Kerpez, S.Ha and M. Chiang,
    IEEE Globecom, 2012 (GLOBECOM’12).

  5. Optimized Day-Ahead Pricing for the Smart-Grid with Device-Specific Scheduling Flexibility

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Sen, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, JSAC Smart Grid Series, July 2012 (JSAC’12).

  6. Demo: A System for Time-Dependent Pricing

    S. Ha, S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, R. Rill and M. Chiang
    MobiSys demo, Low Wood Bay, UK, 2012.

  7. Iterative Resource Pooling for Bandwidth Allocation in TDM-PON: Algorithm, Convergence and Experimental Evaluation

    H. Kim, S. Ha, M. Chiang, D. Kang and J. Kim,
    Photonic Network Communications, Feb. 2012 (PNC’12).

  8. Pricing Data: A Look at Past Proposals, Current Plans, and Future Trends

    S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR’12), Jan 2012

  9. Pricing by Timing: Innovation Broadband Data Plans

    S. Ha, C. Joe-Wong, S. Sen and M. Chiang,
    SPIE OPTO Broadband Access Communication Technologies VI Conference, Paper 8282-12, San Francisco, Jan, 2012

  10. Joint VM Placement and Routing for Data Center Traffic Engineering

    J. Jiang, T. Lan, S. Ha, M. Chen and M. Chiang,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2012 (mini conference), Orlando, Florida, 2012

  11. Demo: Pricing by Timing of Mobile Data

    S. Ha, S. Sen, C. Joe-Wong, J. Mifkovich, R. Rill, Y. Im, D. Butnariu, J. Bawa and Mung Chiang
    IEEE INFOCOM demo, Orlando, Florida, 2012.

  12. Better Energy-Delay Tradeoff via Server Resource Pooling

    I. Kamitsos, L. Andrew, H. Kim, S. Ha and M. Chiang
    ICNC 2012. (Invited).

  13. Energy Efficient DSL via Heterogeneous Sleeping States: Optimization Structures and Operational Guidelines

    I. Kamitsos, P. Tsiaflakis, K. Kerpez, S.Ha and M. Chiang,
    IEEE Globecom 2012 (GLOBECOM’12)


  1. Stable Sleeping in DSL Broadband Access: Feasibility and Tradeoffs

    I. Kamitsos, P. Tsiaflakis, S. Ha and M. Chiang
    IEEE Globecom 2011 (GLOBECOM’11).

  2. Augment SCTP Multi-Streaming with Pluggable Scheduling

    Y. Wang, I. Rhee and S. Ha ,
    IEEE INFOCOM Workshops (GI’11), Shanghai, China

  3. Time-Dependent Internet Pricing

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang
    ITA 2011 (ITA’11).

  4. Time-Dependent Broadband Pricing: Feasibility and Benefits

    C. Joe-Wong, S. Ha and M. Chiang,
    ICDCS 2011.

  5. Taming the Elephants: New TCP Slow Start

    S. Ha and I. Rhee,
    Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 2011 (ComNet’11)


  1. Pricing Broadband: Survey and Open Problems

    M. Chiang, P. Hande, H. Kim, S. Ha and R. Calderbank,
    ICUFN 2010 (invited).


  1. DiffQ: Differential Backlog Congestion Control for Multi-hop Wireless Networks

    A. Warrier, S. Janakiraman, S. Ha and I. Rhee,

  2. Stochastic convex ordering for multiplicative decrease internet congestion control

    H. Cai, D. Eun, S. Ha, I. Rhee and L. Xu,
    Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networks,2009 (ComNet’09)


  1. CUBIC: A New TCP-Friendly High-Speed TCP Variant

    S. Ha, I. Rhee and L. Xu,
    ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review, Volume 42, Issue  July 2008 (OSR’08).

  2.  CUBIC for Fast Long-Distance Networks

    I. Rhee, L. Xu and S. Ha, ,
    IETF Internet Draft, 2008.

  3. Hybrid Slow Start for High-Bandwidth and Long-Distance Networks

    S. Ha and I. Rhee,
    PFLDnet, Manchester, UK, 2008 (PFLDnet’08).

  4. Towards a Common TCP Evaluation Suite

    L. Andrew, C. Marcondes, S. Floyd, L. Dunn, R. Guillier, W. Gang, L. Eggert, S. Ha and I. Rhee,
    PFLDnet, Manchester, UK, 2008 (PFLDnet’08).

  5. DiffQ: Differential Backlog Congestion Control for Multi-hop Wireless Networks

    A. Warrier, S. Ha, P. Wason, I. Rhee and J. H. Kim, Demo,
    IEEE SECON 2008.

  6. TCP Problem under high bandwidth delay product networks – Demo III (B)

    S. Ha, A. Warrier and I. Rhee,
    The Future of TCP: Train-wreck or Evolution?, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2008


  1. Impact of Background Traffic on Performance of High-Speed TCP Variant Protocols

    S. Ha, L. Le, I. Rhee and L. Xu,
    Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Volume 15, Issue 4, Aug. 2007, Page(s):852-865, 2007 (ComNet’07).

  2. Stochastic Ordering for Internet Congestion Control and its Applications

    H. Cai, D. Eun, S. Ha, I. Rhee and L. Xu,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2007.


  1. A Step toward Realistic Performance Evaluation of High-Speed TCP Variants

    S. Ha, Y. Kim, L. Le, I. Rhee and L. Xu,
    PFLDnet, Nara, Japan, 2006 (PFLDnet’06)

  2. A Step toward realistic evaluation of high-speed TCP protocols 

    S. Ha, Y. Kim, L. Le, I. Rhee and L. Xu,
    Web-based Technical Report, NCSU 2006.